Questions Inspire Answers

Release is another of my hand drawn mandalas that’s been scanned into the computer. For anyone interested in prints, they’re available through 1000 Markets. I’m happy to do custom sizes.

This mandala is special to me because it was an answer to a question. I’d been thinking about the subject of letting go. It wasn’t really so much a question as it was a request for a better understanding of that process. After I put out my request, I softly let that thought go. It was in that quiet space that this answer came in.

For me, this process works best if there’s no hint of trying or effort. Maybe it’s better described as a feeling of allowing. You’re confident you’ll receive an answer; you only need to get quiet and notice it when it arrives – it’s kind of like that.

One of the great things about getting information in the form of a picture is that you can receive the answer in a split second. There’s a lot of information packed in a visual image, and it can take quite some time to discover all that any image holds for you. I’ve really enjoyed reflecting on this image. It’s peaceful and reassuring.

I really think the message isn’t just for me. There are answers around us all the time, and they come in many forms. They’re ready and waiting for us when we’re ready for them. There’s always more to learn, and deeper levels of understanding. Thank goodness! Enjoy where you are. Don’t be in a hurry to move on or you might miss this moment. Look for the good, notice any progress, and celebrate. Why not? 🙂

I’ll leave you today with this little poem that I remember often. It’s from The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff.

quote marksThe clouds above us join and separate,

The breeze in the courtyard leaves and returns.

Life is like that, so why not relax?

Who can stop us from celebrating?

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