Wordless Wednesday – Dandelion Buffet

Don’t you love the way bunnies eat dandelions? They bite the stems down low, and eat them the way small children eat spaghetti. The fluffy seeds go flying! It’s really cute.

3 comments to Wordless Wednesday – Dandelion Buffet

  • Ellen

    I never realized how many animals consider them a food source… I noticed a house finch eating the seeds, a Canada goose gobbling down as many flowers as she could … and a quail sitting beside a seed head dandelion, just munching away… until this year, I hadn’t even noticed anything eating them… lol

  • What a cute pic, thanks for the info on bunny eating habits – who knew?

  • Thanks, Ellen and Judi! Dandelions are pretty amazing little plants. I’ve noticed the same thing, Ellen. I see birds and bunnies in the backyard eating them all the time. We don’t treat our yard with any chemicals, so we have a good crop every year. ;D